- Lustig, C., Konrad, A., Brubaker, J. (2022). Designing for the Bittersweet: Improving Sensitive Experiences with Recommender Systems. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022). ACM Press. CHI Best Paper Award (less than 1% of submissions). Abstract, PDF
- Konrad, A., Herring, S., Choi, D. (2020). Sticker and Emoji Use in Facebook Messenger: Implications for Graphicon Change. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
Abstract, PDF
- Pirolli, P., Youngblood, M., Du, H., Konrad, A., Nelson, L., Springer, A. (2018). Scaffolding the Mastery of Healthy Behaviors with Fittle+ Systems: Evidence-Based Interventions and Theory. Human-Computer Interaction.
Abstract, PDF
- Valosek, L., Link, J., Mills, P., Konrad, A., Rainforth, M., Nidich, S. (2018). Effect of Meditation on Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress in the Workplace: A Randomized Controlled Study. Permanente Journal.
Abstract, PDF
- Travis, F., Valosek, L., Konrad, A., Link, J., Salerno, J., Scheller, R., Nidich, S. (2018). Effects of Meditation on Psychological Distress and Brain Functioning: A Randomized Controlled Study. Brain and Cognition.
Abstract, PDF
- Hollis, V., Konrad, A., Springer, A., Antoun, M., Antoun, C., Martin, R., Whittaker, S. (2017). What Does All This Data Mean For My Future Mood? Actionable Analytics & Targeted Reflection for Emotional Well-Being. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2016.1277724
Abstract, PDF
- Konrad, A., Isaacs, E., and Whittaker, S. (2016). Technology Mediated Memory: Is Technology Altering Our Memories And Interfering With Well-Being? ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). ISSN 1073-0516.
Abstract, PDF
- Konrad, A., Tucker, S., Crane, J. and Whittaker, S. (2016). Technology and Reflection: Mood and Memory Mechanisms for Well-Being. Psychology of Well-Being: Theory, Research and Practice (Special Issue of Positive Computing). DOI: 10.1186/s13612-016-0045-3
Abstract, PDF
- Konrad, A. (2016). Does Mood Moderate the Relationship between Reflection and Well-being? PhD Dissertation.
Abstract, PDF
- Konrad, A., Bellotti, V., Crenshaw, N., Tucker, S., Nelson, L., Du, H., Pirolli, P., Whittaker, S. (2015). Finding the Adaptive Sweet Spot: Balancing Compliance and Achievement in Automated Stress Reduction. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015). ACM Press.
Abstract, PDF
- Hollis, V., Konrad, A., Whittaker, S. (2015). Change of Heart: Emotion Tracking to Promote Behavior Change. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015). ACM Press.
Abstract, PDF
- Non-Archival Workshop Paper: Konrad, A. & Whittaker, S.(2015) Well-Being Strategies from Recording and Reflecting: A Field Trial. Developing Skills for Well-Being Workshop. CHI ’15. Seoul, Korea.
Abstract, PDF
- Isaacs, E., Konrad, A., Walendowski, A., Lenning, T., Hollis, V. & Whittaker, S. (2013). Echoes From the Past: How Technology Mediated Reflection Improves Well-Being. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013). ACM Press.
CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention. Abstract, PDF, Video
- Whittaker, S., Konrad, A. (2013). Autobiographical memory and well-being: A tale of two mechanisms. Sarmac (X) Abstract. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Non-Archival Workshop Paper: Konrad, A., Whittaker, S., Isaacs, E. (2013) Short and long-term benefits of reflective technologies. Personal Informatics Workshop. CHI ’13. Paris, France.
Abstract, PDF
- Qualifying Exam Paper: Konrad, A. The Influence of Autobiographical Memory on Behavior, and Technologies that Support Both.
Abstract, PDF